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Writer's pictureLeisa Wilkins

Always Choose Unity

Chosen by God!

“All the glory You have given to Me, I pass on to them. May that glory unify them and make them one as We are one, I in them and You in Me, that they may be refined so that all will know that You sent Me, and You love them in the same way You love Me.” (John 17:22-23 The Voice)

“Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:17-18 NLT)

No matter our circumstances in life, we are to stand firm in the Lord by being unified in our relationships, by seeking God’s help through prayer, and by imitating Christ.

In Philippians 4:1-9 Paul gives three exhortations that believers should follow.

  1. Agree in the Lord

  2. Pray

  3. Follow his example (or follow the example of someone who is following Jesus)

Of these three examples the one that challenges me the most is agreeing in the Lord. In the text two women of faith obviously had some sort of disagreement. Instead of putting it down and doing what the Word says they disagreed and their disagreement was causing issues.

As believers and just plain human beings, we will disagree with one another. However, as believers the Word is clear how we are to handle those disagreements. No matter how upset someone, a believer, makes us we must choose the Word over our feelings. To do otherwise is to align ourselves with the world and against Jesus.

God’s Word commands us to love one another and walk in unity. When we choose the opposite we are reflecting the devil and in no way glorifying Jesus! No matter how we feel about another believer hurting us our first line of defense is love and going to God, not people about the situation! Regardless to how they have made us feel they are still a child of God! You can’t banish them and God won’t banish them.

So, why is this one challenging for me? Sometimes I want to say my piece and sometimes it’s very hard to be silent. Thankfully, God continues to work on, and in, my heart. Letting God deal with my hurts and injustices is a much better choice. If love and forgiveness doesn’t resolve the problem that person’s heart is hard and only God can change hearts. I choose to walk in love and forgiveness because God commands it and I’m unwilling to give another person the power to block my communication with and access to, forgiveness from God.

“Be humble. Be gentle. Be patient. Tolerate one another in an atmosphere thick with love. Make every effort to preserve the unity the Spirit has already created, with peace binding you together. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were all called to pursue one hope.” (Ephesians 4:2-4 The Voice)

Which one challenges you?

Be Encouraged! ❤

Leisa Wilkins Ministries

"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"

Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager

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