“GET YOUR COPY OF: THE HOLY WEEK DEVOTIONAL!” (Available at Amazon - copy and paste the link below)
Chosen by God!
Holy Week - "It's not just another week!" The cost was weighed before there ever was a Garden of Eden and the price was deemed to be the precious Blood of Jesus. For the Father it was a price He was willing to pay because of His unconditional and everlasting love for us.
We are approaching Holy Week. Let's walk with Jesus through the last week of His life to learn some very valuable, and life-transforming, lessons during this journey.
Throughout this walk we will see how focusing on God can help us defeat any challenge that may come our way.
We will take a look at:
The power of surrender – “Not my will Father, but Your will be done in my life”
The power of our minds – how what we think impacts what we say and believe
Seeing Jesus as a gift that we must choose to accept and unwrap allowing Him to impact our lives
The importance of ministering to God
Choosing the Father’s perspective
The power of silence
The power of the cross and the victory in the resurrection
You can purchase my book, "The Holy Week Devotional," at Amazon.com.
This Holy Week Devotional is not just for Holy Week. The principles shared are timeless and applicable all year round!
Do you have your copy?
Here's the link to get your copy:
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager