Chosen by God!
Today is the twenty sixth day of my Birthday Month, New Year, and New Season. I have left one year behind and have entered into a new year with new possibilities.
My focus today is on patiently waiting!
Patience has been an area of opportunity for me in my walk with the Lord. There have been times when I felt God wasn’t moving fast enough, imagine that? I would be disappointed that nothing appeared to be happening. I’ve since learned, without a doubt, God’s timing is perfect timing and with God something is always happening, whether I can see it or not. I’ve also learned that there is purpose in waiting. From God’s perspective waiting is a time of action. That’s right action. How? Well faith is active and when we’re waiting on God that means we trust Him, which is faith, which is action.
Waiting also requires preparation. There is purpose in waiting. Sometimes we are just not ready, and/or our character is not ready, for the answer. God isn’t just about just answering our prayers. He’s about growing us up so we can victoriously walk in the answer.
You see, while we’re waiting we should be expecting the answer. When a woman is pregnant there are things her body must go through in order to produce a healthy baby. There are also preparations that must happen before the baby can come home. I have learned to think of myself as pregnant with the answer and there are some things I have to go through in order to walk in the answer. There is also some preparation that must happen in order for me to walk victoriously in the answer. If I’m not ready I could miss the answer or not be prepared for all that comes with the answer.
This Scripture has helped me put waiting patiently in perspective while encouraging me when I just begin to fret and wonder if I’m ever going to get from “Amen” to there it is!
“Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14 AMPC)
How I wait is probably more important than the waiting itself. I have to wait in expectation without murmuring and complaining. Sadly, I haven’t always passed the waiting test. I have murmured and complained about my situation. What I’ve come to realize is that murmuring and complaining is an indictment against God. I’m actually insinuating that He doesn’t know what He’s doing and arrogantly thinking I know better. Now, I would not consciously say or think that however that’s exactly what I’m doing when I murmur and complain about a situation God may have led me to that I just didn’t like. Of course I may have arrived in the situation because of choices I made. Bottom line, God wastes nothing. He uses every opportunity for character building. His purpose is that I look more like Him when all is said and done!
Faith Confession:
Abba Father, I am waiting eagerly, hoping with confident expectation, while reaching out with readiness to receive from You! I am watching towards You. I have a favorable and confident expectation that You will show up! I expect to hear Your voice.
Stay tuned, because God isn't finished with me yet! And I’m so thankful that He is not! The best is yet to come!
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager