Chosen by God!
A transparency moment. I always want you to be aware that I have to use the same faith and Word I talk about and share. I don't get a pass, if anything I'm more of a target because the enemy wants to shutdown anyone who is lifting up Jesus. Been trying to see clearly and move correctly, in sync with what God is doing globally and individually in this season. It's really not just about us!
I've been having some challenging moments. A couple of weeks ago I chose to shut down and just spend even more quality time in God's presence. When you pour you must take time to refill or you will have nothing for others, and more importantly, nothing for yourself. Yes, filling you must be a priority. You can't drive an empty car!
His Word really is the difference. When you let it, it will be transformative in your heart and in your life. It will fill you to overflowing. Sometimes you just need to be still, be quiet, and just be. It can't always be about doing.
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!