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  • Writer's pictureLeisa Wilkins


Updated: Nov 11, 2020

Treasured by God!

"Don’t laugh when your enemy falls; don’t crow over his collapse. God might see, and become very provoked, and then take pity on his plight." (Proverbs 24:17‭-‬18 MSG)

Believers, I get that you're disappointed. There's a better more loving way to express it than derogatory memes, profanity, and belittling. Those things don't honor Jesus.

We have to lead with love, not hate, and definitely not with profanity or making fun of others. While others may do this, we are responsible for our behavior, and as believers, we are held to a higher standard and greater accountability! We answer to Jesus, not man!

Whether we like it or not we are called to pray for those in authority and for our enemies. It wasn't a suggestion, it was a command. No matter how you see it, or how you feel, pray.

This isn't who we are nor does it represent Who we profess to believe. Don't let anger and disappointment turn you into someone you're not. Jesus is bigger than this and He was not, and will not ever be, voted out! He's still King Jesus regardless of who sits in the White House.

Jesus said they will know we are His disciples by our love. So before you hit post, ask yourself, will this reflect Jesus well and show clearly who I am?

Be Encouraged! ❤

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