Treasured by God!!
A word of encouragement as I move out of my comfort zone into doing, and embracing, the new things God has assigned me in this season.
The assignments God gives requires courage and focus. Looking at the circumstances, what must be done, can be overwhelming and cause your heart to stop. However, just like Moses encouraged Joshua for the task ahead, God encourages and affirms us.
In this season I must:
Be strong Be courageous Be firm Remember that God is with me and God will not fail me, let me go, or forsake me
I can hear God telling me:
Be strong. Be courageous. Be firm. I am with you. You will possess what I have for you, if you do it My way.
Don’t be dismayed, depressed, discouraged, or unnerved by the task in front of you. I have gone before you and prepared the way and I go with you. You are not alone.
I will not fail you, let you go, or forsake you.
Today, as I encourage myself in the Lord my God and in His Word, I pray this encourages you also as you move into whatever God has called you to do in this season.
Be Encouraged! ❤
