I'm participating in the 5 Day Chart Your Course Challenge via Johm and Lisa Bevere. I want to share my reflection on the first day, which was yesterday. I pray it blesses you.
Was so powerful I had to view the teaching more than once. Then I had to sit with it and meditate on it and on the Scriptures that were shared.
I found this so encouraging from John Bevere:
"When you're walking in obedience and God's not speaking you're on the right path."
I loved the co-laborer distinction, the long term and every day questions, and recognizing the deception of the enemy by causing us to devalue what we're doing right now.
I wrote ths faith confession based on the truths that were shared yesterday:
Abba, I want to stay in constant communion with You. I am a co-laborer with You. I am not an independent laborer or independent contractor. I need You. I want to work closely with You.
Abba, help me to be ready to receive what you have for me in this season. Show me what You want me to do today, this week, this month, this year. Show me what I need to know, the steps I need to take, in the right now. I don't need to know the destination, just the next step You want me to take. (That last sentence is a big one from a type A, recovering professional who plans! Even my plans have a plan! IJS! đ)
Abba, let me see the value in what I'm doing right now. I don't want to be deceived or distracted, or to devalue what I am doing in obedience to You. I value my today. Forgive me for the times I did not see the value.
I boldly declare, I will not quit. I will continue moving, one moment at a time, one day at a time, one season at a time, until I walk fully in Your promises for my life. I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Be Encouraged! â¤