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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

Tomorrow will be the last official Chronicles from the Porch. Yes, I will continue writing, just not from the porch in Illinois. We are leaving in the morning to go home. After two months of being away, it's time. I'm so thankful for this time and how God orchestrated it. We surely didn't leave home thinking we'd be gone for two months, and maybe that's a good thing! Our plan was 10 days, but God had other plans! I'm so glad we listened.

This has been a time of rest, peace, and clarity for me. I let go of some things and given a strategic course change for my life and ministry. I've gotten direction and the next step in my assignment. Yes singular, a step, because God knows His daughter! It looks nothing like I thought but then this walk with God has been an exciting adventure filled with both expected, and unexpected turns. Definitely, never a dull moment!

I'm going to miss my porch time, looking out at the forest, seeing the animals, and listening to the sounds of nature, which sound like praise to me, but I realize God speaks wherever I am and whenever I'm actively listening for His voice, for His whisper.

I'd let some things distract me. While they were good things they weren't God things for this season, for me. Sometimes we can intermingle seasons not recognizing that it's time to fully move on. I'm thankful for His patience with me and Holy Spirit's continual nudges to get, and keep, my attention. His love is eternal and that is everything!

Thank you to everyone that took the time to read, comment, share, or like these porch chronicles. I pray they have blessed and encouraged you.

Thank you to my sister-in-love, Jean, for her hospitality. It truly felt like home for me! I love you and am so very grateful for this time to establish a stronger bond between us. Thank you to my husband, Michael, for suggesting we drive. This set us up to bask in this wonderful gift of love our Abba Father prepared especially for us! O how He loves us!

I will post my final chronicle tomorrow as we get on the road.

Be Encouraged! ❤

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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



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