Leisa Wilkins

Apr 14, 20222 min


Today’s insight is a heart-felt prayer of thanksgiving, from the bottom of my heart, for the Gift of Jesus.


Lord, I thank You for the precious Gift of Your Son Who became my substitute. I thank You that He took on my sins, paying the price I could never pay. And He did this because of love, His love for You and His love for me. Thank You! I just want You to know I truly appreciate the finished work of Calvary. Thank You for loving me so much You gave Your one and only Son as a living sacrifice for me.

Thank You for the sacrament of communion. It not only reminds me of the cost of my salvation, but it also cements the power of my salvation through the broken body and shed blood of Jesus. He died, then defeated death through His resurrection, I have eternal life. Death can’t keep me either.

So, I thank You Abba Father. I can call You that because of what Jesus did. He, Your Son, is Your precious Gift to us. Thank You Abba Father that I, me personally, was on Your mind and in Your heart before the foundation of the world. Thank You that through Calvary, Jesus’ Resurrection, and His Ascension, I can give thanks because I am Yours eternally. Thank You Jesus for Your obedience and thank You Abba Father for Your plan of salvation that is available to all that would receive Your Gift through Jesus Christ. AMEN!

I don't want to take anything for granted. I want to end my asking each of my readers, do you know Jesus personally as Savior and have you made Him Lord of your life?

If you don't, I would love to introduce you to Him. Please don't take this lightly because there is an eternity and we will spend it either in heaven or in hell. That's the truth. Don't be deceived by the rhetoric of good works will get you in or everyone is going to heaven. It's just not true. Jesus is the only way in.

"If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved." (Romans 10:9-10 NLT)

Email me if you would like me to introduce you to Him or if you have questions about salvation.

#LeisaWilkins #EncouragementInTheWord

Be Encouraged! ❤
