Chosen by God!
When we consider that the Lord Jesus Christ is our shepherd, we should also remember that He is the eternal God who is without beginning and without end. When we read Psalm 23 with Jesus as our shepherd in mind, David’s view of the Lord as his shepherd and what He will do for us take on even greater meaning. A shepherd provides for his sheep taking care of them in every way. He will lay down his life for his sheep in order to protect them. He comforts his sheep when they are fearful and restless. In understanding the heart of the shepherd we get a clearer understanding of Jesus’ heart for us. He provides for us, takes care of us, laid down His life for us so we could live, He suffered for us, so we could have healing, He calms our fears causing us to be at peace even in the midst of storms. He taught us what it means to be humble and serve by being humble and serving, reminding us that if Jesus, who was man, while being God on earth served, then we definitely must have a servant’s heart. Ultimately the role of the shepherd reminds us that everything we need we can find in Jesus.
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"