Chosen by God!
Reflections of the Cross
When we are reminded of Christ’s suffering on the cross, we should never cease to worship Him from the depths of our hearts. When I think about what Jesus went through for me I am humbled and horrified. Humbled because He loved me so much He died for me, taking on the cost of my sins, (past, present, and future), that I could never pay. I’m horrified by the brutality of the cross and His horrific death. Just picturing the spikes being nailed into His hands and feet, a spear piercing His side, a crown of thorns being imbedded in His head, the beating with the cat-of-nine-tails, the betrayal, and the harsh mocking words, just breaks my heart.
When you consider the cost, how can I not, praise and worship Him with everything in me? How can I not share this message of hope with others? Because Jesus freely paid the price of sin no one who accepts His sacrifice has to be eternally separated from God.
It breaks my heart that many don’t believe and that even more preach a watered down Gospel that will cause many people to be eternally separated from God. We must study the Word for ourselves and establish our own intimate relationship with God so we know, and live, the truth on earth and live eternally with God when life on earth is over.
Thank You Jesus for the cross. "It Is Finished," because of You!
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"