Chosen by God!
Jesus suffered such cruelty, mockery, disrespect during His walk to Calvary and on the cross itself. He submitted to the process of salvation and redemption because of His love and obedience to His Father and because we were on His mind. He not only suffered a horrendous physical death He submitted to separation from His Father. He was disconnected, for a period of time to deal with all sin. This is a love that defies definition yet is real and life changing.
The cross bought me eternal connection to God as my Abba Father. It made me a joint heir with Jesus Christ. It gave me authority to do the things Jesus did while on earth.
The cost of the cross became clearer and more precious during this week of walking with Jesus during the last week of His life. It makes me want to follow the many examples of Jesus more:
Be about my Father’s business
Do what He does and say what He says
Be single minded
Pursue my purpose
Not quit, be distracted, or delayed
Be where I need to be doing what I need to do to fulfill my destiny
It all comes down to love. Jesus didn’t die for some. He died for all. Yes, even those that mocked Him, gambled for His clothes, spit on Him, pierced His side, embedded a crown of thorns in His head, and nailed Him to the cross. If Jesus could love through all of this, what excuse do I have for not loving?
(Excerpt from Day Six of the “Holy Week Devotional: Holy Week It's Not Just Another Week” by Leisa Wilkins. Available at
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"