Chosen by God!
In order to see ourselves as God sees us we must look from His perspective. Everything God thinks about us and feels for us is outlined in His Word. On Day 1 our first point was, “Know Who You Are.” Our second point was, “Be Aware of Your Thoughts.” Our third point was, “What Are You Saying?” Our fourth point was, “God Has a Plan and Purpose For You.” Today we will look at our fifth point.
#5 – Let Go Of Your Past.
"Forget about what's happened; don't keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I'm about to do something brand-new. It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is! I'm making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands." (Isaiah 43:18-19 MSG)
Remember this, no matter how much time you spend thinking about the past you can't change it. What you can do is change its impact on your present and your future. How? By living in this moment.
God is a God of now, today, this moment. We must let go of the past and not worry about the future. If we don't, today will be the yesterday we'll have regrets about tomorrow. Don't miss today's possibilities. Focus on the right now and see what new adventure God has in store for you.
We are overcomers through Christ. Look straight ahead. Do not turn back. "I AM," said God to Moses. Live in the present because that's where God is. When you go to the past you're all alone. He did not say, "I WAS." If you go to the future you're all alone. He did not say, "I WILL." Stay in the present where God, our Abba Father says, "I AM!" Everything you need to be where God is and where He wants you to be can be found in Him.
God's Word is the real indicator of who you are. Jesus' blood erased your past. The enemy will try to continually remind you of that past and will use deception to try to have you put on those grave clothes again. In other words it's all smoke screens and mirrors. He has nothing original to offer. He tries to get us by deception, making us think something is that really isn't. If he can get us to believe his lies then he’s got us. Don't do it! Declare I am a NEW Creation in Christ Jesus. Any problem that you have with that devil, bring it to Jesus because I am NOT that person any more. You cannot occupy space in my mind because I AM God's property!
"For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." (Deuteronomy 7:6 NIV)
Remember who you are! You are a child of the King. You’re royalty. You have every possible advantage. Why? Because of Jesus. He already defeated the devil. We’re fighting a battle that was already won over 2,000 years ago on Calvary. The next time the enemy slithers in meet him at the door with, “It is written,” and watch him slither out. He knows he can’t beat a believer that knows who he is in Christ. It’s a fixed fight. You’ve already won! Hallelujah!
When you remain in the past you will miss what God is doing in your present and you won't be prepared for your future!
Become one who embraces the future while learning from the past and living in the present. God's got this and His plan for you is great! Look forward!
Don't let your past hold you hostage because God has a wonderful future planned just for you! Embrace God's plans and purposes for your life!
The Holy Spirit is everything we'll ever need. He can help us let go of the past, live in the present, while moving to our God ordained future.
Master of my life! Thank You for the past, even the pain. Every part of my past was used by You and allowed by You. It hurts at times and I didn't understand it at times but I'm thankful for the process that trusting You brought me to today. And you're not finished molding me, making me more like You so I submit to Your ongoing, never ending process. I'm in Your hands Lord.
Abba Father, Daddy, help me to get past me! Heal my hurting heart. Bind my wounds. Remove the triggers that bring back old hurts in new situations. Help me to react differently. Reset my focus and my response. Remind me of who I am in You and solidify this in my heart.
I am treasured by You. I am loved unconditionally with an everlasting love, by You. I am accepted by You. I am Yours. No person, no circumstance, nothing can change these facts or separate me from Your love. I am anchored in You. This is my reality. I pray this prayer in faith and on the authority of the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager