Chosen by God!
Today we are going to look at God’s Word and reflect on Scriptures. I pray this blesses and encourages you, causing you to look at His Word and allow it to examine your heart. I’ll be doing the same thing.
“I shall be satisfied when I awake in Your likeness.” (Psalm 17:15b NKJV)
Faith Confession:
Lord, make me more like You. I want to think like You, speak like You, and walk like You.
“When the Council saw the boldness of Peter and John and could see that they were obviously uneducated non-professionals, they were amazed and realized what being with Jesus had done for them!” (Acts 4:13 TLB)
Faith Confession:
Lord, give me Your boldness. Let my life reflect what being with Jesus can do. When people see me let them see that I have been with Jesus.
“I’ve been carrying you on my back from the day you were born, And I’ll keep on carrying you when you’re old. I’ll be there, bearing you when you’re old and gray. I’ve done it and will keep on doing it, carrying you on my back, saving you.” (Isaiah 46:3b-4 MSG)
Faith Confession:
Thank You for not leaving me, ever. You have been there from the beginning. You have given me purpose and the ability to fulfill it. You will be there through the end to fulfill it. Show me Lord. Show me clearly. I don’t want to make a mistake. I want to walk the path You have prepared for me.
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager