Chosen by God!
Today is the ninth day of my birthday month, my New Year. I give thanks that I’m celebrating this birthday.
Today I don’t have a specific focus. I’m more reflective. I’m looking at some uncomfortable places I’ve landed in because I didn’t value me enough to set boundaries or define expectations. We can’t discount ourselves to make others comfortable with themselves. We can’t dull our light because others are blinded by the shine. We can’t be less when God has created us to be more!
Truth is, others are valuable they just don’t know it so they discount you to make themselves feel better. Others can shine. They just spend too much time trying to put out the light in people to recognize the light in themselves. God created all of us for greatness. Don’t apologize for walking in it when others have chosen not too! And, don’t let anyone make you feel bad about embracing who you are in Christ!
Today is my actual Birth Day, New Year, and New Season. Although I gained another year I still feel the same and to me, I still look the same, but I’m not the same. I am thankful for the wisdom that comes with age and experience. It’s not automatic but the result of living life, making mistakes, and growing from them that births wisdom, or is should.
While it’s taken me a long time to learn this particular lesson, be where you are celebrated and not tolerated, I think I finally get it. While I’ve said this before I don’t think I fully got it, or appreciated its impact. We must listen to people’s actions quicker than their words. Sometimes they don’t always align. It’s my experience that when that happens it’s the actions that truly reflect the heart.
This does not mean if someone does something unexpected, or wrong, or hurtful that you kick them to the curb. What it does mean is, be watchful. If their actions are consistent then that’s who they really are and how they really feel about you. When we know truth we can act on it.
I tend to give people lots of chances and the end result has been painful too many times. As I continue in this decade the chances will be less and letting go will be quicker. Instead I’ll go with what Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them, the first time!” And yes we must be loving and extend grace. Sometimes we have to do it from a distance. We must love ourselves and apply grace to us also. We are not expendable.
I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me from this day forward. I’m excited and I have great expectations for this decade. I am running and embracing my new season. I know my comfort zone is going to be invaded big time! LOL!
"There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMPC)
Stay tuned, because God isn't finished with me yet!
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
"Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!"
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager