Chosen by God!
Father, I recognize that my body is weak and that I am selfish. Teach me to be more like Jesus, wanting to do the things that You want, even when it costs me something that I think I want more. Let me hear Your voice and respond with immediate obedience. Let my aim and my purpose be Your pleasure and Your will. I pray this prayer in faith and on the authority of the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Journaling Opportunity:
Are you ministering to God?
What is stopping you from doing what God tells you to do?
What do you need to change in your life so that you can do the will of God?
Share with God one thing that needs to change in your life, and then ask Him what steps He wants you to take to make that change.
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Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager