Chosen by God!
Many times as I prepare to minister I wonder, what can I say? Who is going to listen? One of my favorite Scriptures that helps me get His perspective each time I minister is:
Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” (Exodus 4:12 NLT)
When I remember God called me, and trust that He will give me the words to speak, then I can minister effectively under His anointing. I don't ever want to minister without Him because it would be totally ineffective. It's God that transforms lives, not me!
This is where my confidence rests:
"For it is not you who are speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." (Matthew 10:20 AMPC)
I am thankful for the opportunity to bring the Word tomorrow. I am thankful that God has prepared me and given me a Word for tomorrow. And I am thankful for pastors that have confidence in me and trust me to deliver the Word in their absence.
Be Encouraged! ❤
Leisa Wilkins Ministries
Encouraging and Empowering you to become who God created you to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!
Pastor | Author | Bible Teacher | Speaker | Encourager