Leisa Wilkins

Jun 13, 20222 min


“Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said, “Look, I have put my words in your mouth!" (Jeremiah 1:9 NLT)


God puts His Words in my mouth through His Word. The more time I spend studying His Word the more I can speak His Word.

“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NLT)


Abba, You know me. Before I came to be You knew me and planned for me. You set me apart. You anointed me to do what You have called me to do. Thank You Abba Father.

"Once God showed Jeremiah why he was born, Jeremiah discovered what he could do. In other words, when Jeremiah understood his vision, he began to realize his ability." (Dr. Myles Munroe)

Understanding your why opens the door to your what - what you can do. This helps you understand your God given vision which opens the door to the abilities God has graced you with to fulfill it.

"God will give you a dream, and He will also provide for every aspect of its fulfillment." (Dr. Myles Munroe)

You don't have to worry about how it will be done, just do what God has shown you to do. Take a step of faith in obedience and trust God to provide whatever is needed.

Let these words encourage you and remind you of the abilities God has placed in you:

"You shouldn't allow any other human being to judge your potential. Whatever God is causing you to dream is a revelation of your ability." (Dr. Myles Munroe)

#LeisaWilkins #EncouragementInTheWord

Be Encouraged! ❤
