Chosen by God!
Even knowing the outcome Jesus was determined to be where the Father needed Him to be, at the appointed time to fulfill Scripture and to redeem us from eternal death and the grave. O, what a love!
Lord, let this become my heart’s desire and my focus as I live out each day of my life. Let Your will be done in every area of my life.
Yes, Abba, I am willing to surrender all to You. Show me any area that I have not completely yielded to You.
No more distractions. I desire the needful thing – You – more than anything else. Show me how to consistently make You my priority daily.
Thank You for Your everlasting and unconditional love for me, Abba Father. Thank You that nothing can separate me from Your love and no matter what I do Your love for me us forever sealed.
(An excerpt from my book, "The Holy Week Devotional: Holy Week - It's Not Just another Week!"
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“Encouraging & Empowering you to become who you were created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!”
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