Yep, this is the face you make when you've invested in yourself by joining the I Am Mastermind Class! I am worth investing in because Jesus thought so and paid a precious price for me! I am so excited and can't wait to see what God is going to do in this transitional season of my life. Hope to see y'all there!
I did the 5 Day Chart Your Course Challenge and was blessed beyond measure. So many wonderful nuggets have been deposited into me and are changing the trajectory of my life. I know this Mastermind Class will continue my forward movement. I will not quit! I will finish well!
Yes, even at 65 I know that God is not done with me yet! There's work to do and I'm available to do it! Here I am Lord, send me!
Looking forward to intentionally growing together in community and clarity. I am joyfully embracing the process!
If you're interested in joining here's the link to the I AM Mastermind Class:
Be Encouraged! ❤
