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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

"Out of the same mouth we pour out words of praise one minute and curses the next. My brothers and sisters, this should never be! Would you look for olives hanging on a fig tree or go to pick figs from a grapevine? Is it possible that fresh and bitter water can flow out of the same spring? So neither can a bitter spring produce fresh water." (James 3:10‭-‬12 TPT)

We must share responsibly. If we say we're believers then we should assess our social media from time to time to make sure our posts reflect it. Our mandate is to walk in love. We can't say one thing while reflecting another. People are watching and frankly this inconsistency can be a stumbling block.

Think about this:

Everything posted on social media is not the truth and every person proclaiming God's Word isn't necessarily who they claim to be! If you're praising God one minute and cursing people the next there's an issue. You need some more spiritual growth!

Sharing unsubstantiated information, especially about people, is the same as sharing gossip. You're repeating a story you don't know to be fact! Fact check before sharing and check your motive for sharing!

Some people are just trying to stir the pot, cause dissension, disruption, and/or destruction! We should not be so quick to blindly follow or believe everything people share. Check their fruit!

If we spent more time walking in love and doing whatever is necessary to promote unity no one would have time to report the unnecessary! One of the seven things God hates is anyone who who shows discord among the brethren! Since God hates it maybe we should stop it!

When we make bringing glory to God's Name a priority He transforms lives.

"So then, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31 AMPC)

Be Encouraged! ❤

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Nov 13, 2021

Let all that you do honor God. That’s a tall order but it’s meant only for Christ followers.

Leisa Wilkins
Leisa Wilkins
Nov 13, 2021
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Thankfully, we have Holy Spirit to empower us. We don't have to do it alone. ❤

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Encouraging & Empowering you to become who God created to be, God's Masterpiece, a Divine Original!


Pastor | Speaker | Bible Teacher | Author | Encourager 



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