Lord, I pray that Jesus will be my example, especially in the areas of surrender and purpose. Father, reveal Your purpose for me. Reveal the areas in my life where I have not surrendered to You. Give me the strength to surrender to Your purpose and plan for my life.
Help me to line up my desires with Your desires for me and for the lives You would have me impact. I want to please You, Father, through total surrender. I pray this prayer in faith and on the authority of the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Journaling Opportunity:
What would it take for you to surrender totally to God?
Are you willing to make the changes in your life, thoughts, words, and actions to surrender to God?
Tell God the steps you are now willing to take to be in line with His will for your life.
Share with Him how you are changing your priorities, to make Him first in every area of your life. (This is not an overnight process. It’s a step by step, overtime process. Take small steps that will make lasting, powerful, changes in your life and in the lives of others. Your obedience to God will net exceedingly, abundantly further-reaching results than you can even think or imagine.)
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