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Writer's picture: Leisa WilkinsLeisa Wilkins

"Daivd didn't submit a resume, but God told Samuel about Him." (Unknown)

I wrote this two years ago but felt the need to revisit it and update it with some additional insights. I'm not sure if the desire to share it has to do with me or someone God wants to encourage through it. Either way, here it is:

A great reminder that we don't have to jockey for position or try to make things happen. You don't have to ask for opportunities. Just be faithful right where you are, doing what God called you to do.

Then Samuel asked, “Are these all the sons you have?” “There is still the youngest,” Jesse replied. “But he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats.” “Send for him at once,” Samuel said. “We will not sit down to eat until he arrives.” (1 Samuel 16:11 NLT)

You don't even have to be in the room for God to open a door for you. David was tending sheep when he was elevated to king! He wasn't even being considered, in the natural, and had to be called in from the pasture! His own father dismissed him by not inviting him! Even the prophet thought it was one of his brothers! Yet, the prophet knew to look for God's anointed and asked if there were another when it wasn't one of them. He didn't just anoint one of the sons before him! He trusted God even when it looked like he might have missed God!

People may underestimate you, but God knows exactly who you are, where you are, and what He put in you! He also knows when to put it on display.

"The Lord will hold you in his hand for all to see— a splendid crown in the hand of God." (Isaiah 62:3 NLT)

So relax. Be faithful where you find yourself. It may seem insignificant to you but know this, God wastes nothing! Every experience has purpose and it's working together for your good and His glory.

"His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will put you in charge of many things; share in the joy of your master.'" (Matthew 25:23 AMP)

Let this Scripture encourage you:

"For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable [for He does not withdraw what He has given, nor does He change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call]." (Romans 11:29 AMP)

It doesn't matter what people say. It doesn't matter how you feel. It doesn't matter how it looks. When God calls you He equips you. He opens doors for you.

And understand this:

God knows everyone! He'll introduce you!

So rest in the peace of your calling and trust God for the anointing. While you're waiting for your open door stay in His Word, stretch yourself, and grow.

"And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose." (Romans 8:28 AMP)

Trust that God has already worked it out for your good and His glory!

Let this Scripture encourage you, especially when it feels like nothing is happening:

"LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." (Psalm 16:5-6 NIV)

Let this be your prayer:

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You [You only and altogether] do I wait [expectantly] all the day long." (Psalm 25:4-5 AMPC)

Be Encouraged! ❤

(Updated from the Vault of LWM)

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