Some thoughts on my healthy lifestyle and my 56.4 lbs weight released!
I found when I ate healthy my cravings eventually went away. While it took 5 1/2 years to reach this goal I have been gaining and losing weight longer than the Israelites wandered in the wilderness! That's not a joke. It's the truth. My weight has been a lifelong struggle!
Feeding my body the nutrients it needed was key. I had to educate myself on food and pay attention to triggers and change how I responded to emotional challenges. Food wasn't the answer.
I also had a suddenly! My birthday, May 2020 was the last time I ate processed sugar! After years of struggling with sugar the craving just left. I did participate in two Take Back Your Temple, TBYT, sugar detox challenges which I think set the table. Being in the TBYT, community, being transparent, sharing, reading all contributed. (If you'd like to know more about Take Back Your Temple please click this link: https://www.takebackyourtemple.com/)
The biggest factor was God. Before we, He and I, ever dealt with my weight issues He chose to deal with my unhealthy relationship with food. We spent a year on that alone and I didn't lose an ounce during that time but I learned a lot.
This is not a quick fix journey. I also had to learn to apply the same grace God gives to me, and I give to others, to myself. I had to be gentle with me and let go of my all or nothing attitude.
Now the same things, habits, that brought me victory are what I must continue doing to sustain my victory.
I pray this helps and encourages someone to keep going, don't give up. This testimony is 5 1/2 years in the making.
Be Encouraged! ❤