And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49 NKJV)
The litmus test for vision and purpose is:
Does it further God’s business?
“He (Jesus) identified a specific lifework that was His own and that motivated everything He did, from His youth to His death and resurrection and beyond.” (Dr. Myles Munroe)
Something to think about:
Have I identified a specific lifework that is my own?
Does it motivate everything I do?
Yes! I can answer unequivocally yes! Encouraging others, and myself, in the Word of God is my lifework. It motivates everything I do. I am about being about my Father’s business. What I do is based solely on His Word and can’t be done without His Word.
Abba Father let Your vision for my life continually drive and motivate my actions. I need Your guiding vision to fulfill my dream.
My Guiding Vision:
Encouragement in, and through, the Word of God
Finding creative ways to make the Word of God come alive
Showing, teaching, how the Word of God is our point of reference for navigating life and its challenges
“You cannot contribute to God’s greater purposes if you don’t know your personal vision. If you have no sense of focus, you will just drift along.” (Dr. Myles Munroe)
I want to contribute to Your purpose, to what You are doing, Abba Father. I will keep my God given vision before my eyes and seize every opportunity to walk in it. I will not drift away from it. My eyes are on You.
Be Encouraged! ❤